My own photo, taken from a flight to Vancouver

What if it Was Easy to Attract More Abundance?

Julie Boyer


Our world would benefit from a lot more abundant thinking. The world is an abundant place and it’s all about our perspective. Scarcity thinking is what leads us to fear others and brings up emotions of jealousy, hatred and envy. Abundant thinking starts with you and me. What if it was easy to attract more abundance? What can we do today to shift from a scarcity mindset to an abundance one?

Many of us are focused on lack

Sadly, I have had many conversations with clients, friends, and potential clients who live in a world of lack. Many of them are in a very difficult financial situation — credit cards are maxed out, living on a cash only budget and too much month at the end of the money as Jim Rohn would say. I can empathize as I was there myself only a few years ago, as I shared in this blog post.

What is alarming to me is that more and more people are in financial trouble, and not fewer. These are people in their thirties and forties, usually with kids and a mortgage. The stress of having to weigh every single buying decision and count every cent must be very heavy to bear. And often this financial stress has a very negative effect on our health.

What are some of the ways to start to get out this situation?

The first step, which is no surprise, is to start with gratitude.

Give thanks for the things that we all take for granted on a daily basis that are abundant in our lives — electricity, clean drinking water, access to fresh fruit & vegetables, Wi-Fi and internet. The majority of the world doesn’t have an abundance of these at their disposable. Whenever you have a feeling of lack, turn it around by being grateful for what you do have. We are surrounded by so much every day that we take for granted.

Next, we create an abundance mindset.

A scarcity mindset believes that there is never enough: not enough time in the day, not enough money to pay the bills, not enough kindness in the world, not enough jobs for everyone…..simply not enough.

An abundance mindset believes that there is more than enough time in the day to do everything we need to do. This also means that we trust that there is more than enough money to pay the bills and support the family. Most importantly, having an abundant mindset means we believe there are endless opportunities for everyone today.

How do we build this abundance mindset?

Affirmations are a great way to do so. Saying affirmations in front of the mirror twice a day seems like a waste of time but what I have found is that making time to do this activity is very powerful in the long run. I committed to daily affirmations of abundance and gratitude over a year ago, and I am certain that it has helped me to shift my mindset.

Here are some of my favorites, taken from various sources or made up by me:

  • Abundance flows freely through me.
  • My income is constantly increasing.
  • I now have plenty of money for my own personal needs and the needs of my family.
  • Now that I am aligned with the Universe and the infinite intelligence of God, I am creating the masterful life that I deserve and that has always been waiting for me.
  • This is an abundant universe and there plenty for all of us.
  • I have absolute certainty in my ability to create any income I choose.

When I first started doing the affirmations, I had page of affirmations written out. I would read them while looking in the mirror as often as possible. As I started to learn them off by heart, I would be able to replace thoughts of scarcity and fear with my affirmations. For example, if I thought ‘I can’t afford it’ I would quickly replace it with ‘I have more than enough income to purchase anything I want or need’.

It’s not that I didn’t have thoughts of scarcity, it’s that I had the affirmations right there to replace the thoughts quickly.

Interestingly, I was listening to a Hay House audio with Esther Hicks, who channels Abraham one of the greatest teachers of our time and Dr. Wayne Dyer. They were simply having a conversation together. One thing that caught my attention that Abraham said is that when we have a thought for 17 seconds, it will attract other similar thoughts in rapid succession. And the more we have the same kinds of thoughts, whether negative or positive, within just over a minute our mood and energy will have changed based on which thoughts we’ve been attracting. Therefore, learning abundance affirmations would be a great way to help stop and replace negative thoughts within the first few seconds of the thought.

Now that our mindset has shifted, how can we create more wealth on a fixed income?

We start by looking at how we are creating income and what are our opportunities to grow our income. This is where many people are trapped. They have a job with a fixed income. Their full-time job may or may not have a cost of living raise each year or even a bonus. Even with a bonus, it’s often used to pay off debt that has accumulated during the year. The only way most people believe they can grow their income is by changing jobs. Often the better paying jobs take them further away from home, with longer hours and less time with family. Due to taxes, their take home income may not end up growing by very much.

When my husband switched to a job that’s closer to home, he took a pay cut. On paper it looked like we would be losing $800 a month in income, when in fact it was less than $400. This was due to the lower tax bracket, the massive reduction in commute and saving money on lunch. I’ve seen many people go the other way by taking a job that pay $10-$15K more a year with a longer commute. Sadly, at the end of the month there is still nothing left.

Here’s one solution I have found to creating more income:

Network marketing is truly the best solution I have found to create more income, part-time while keeping your current job. It’s got the benefits of starting your own business, with the support, training and mentorship you might not get on your own. Network marketing allows you to build leverage, by working with a team. And depending on the type of products, you can also create a residual income, which is income that comes in whether you are working or not. This only works with a consumable product such a supplements, skin care or food products for example.

More and more people are choosing to create a revenue stream with network marketing and it’s become more main stream. Chances are you have several friends and family members who have started a network marketing business. It’s not an EASY business but it’s certainly a SIMPLE business. If you are ready to take a look at this as an option to get out of your current financial situation, I’d love to connect with you. Simply complete the mentorship application and we’ll set up a call together to see if this might be a solution for you and your family.

And if it’s not the solution for you, I’ll share some other ideas and suggestions that may help you to get ahead instead of falling more and more behind each year. I would love to be of service to help you create a more abundant future for you and your family.

Did you enjoy this post? I’d love it if you’d give it a heart and recommend it to others! And I’d love to share with you a free 10 minute Gratitude Meditation I recorded & when you sign up, you’ll receive a Weekly Gratitude Love Letter with Exclusive Content just for my incredible gratitude tribe.



Julie Boyer

Host of the Wake Up With Gratitude™ Podcast, Author of 30 Days of Gratitude, The Gratitude Program That Will Change Your Life.